Music For Brains, Hands, and Feet is CMP’s joyful and immersive music and movement program for early childhood. Our priorities are exposing young learners to the wonders of music and exploring the wide range of expression possible through music. We focus on singing, clapping, stepping, dancing, and listening as we learn songs, melodies, and rhythms from around the world. Inspired by Pete Seeger’s community-based philosophy of music, all classes begin with traditional folk songs to get into the spirit of music learning. Our daily warm-ups wake up bodies and minds and build musical skills. Warm-up exercises include rhythmic stretching, call and response clapping, stepping, and counting, creative movement, and ear training through the singing of fun solfege exercises.

Through thematic planning with classroom teachers activities may include:

Singing Around The world
African Drumming
Dance and Movement
Phonics Thru Song
Meet The Orchestra
Jazz For Kids
Math Thru Music